Discover Your Dream Student Living Apartments At Lark Baton Rouge
Looking for an exceptional student living experience? Look no further than Lark Baton Rouge! Our student living apartments are designed to provide you with the comfort, convenience, and luxury you need to make the most of your college experience. From modern amenities to spacious living areas, our apartments offer everything you need to feel right at home. Discover your dream apartment today at Lark Baton Rouge!
Q:(Traduit par Google) Combien de loyer pour une ou deux chambres
How much rent for 1 or 2 bed room
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SScion Group
1 year ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Salut, je me demandais si la piscine pouvait être louée pour des fêtes ?
Hi I was wondering can the pool area be rented for parties?
(Traduit par Google) Votre question nous intéresse. Veuillez contacter notre équipe communautaire pour vous aider.
Your question matters to us. Please reach out to our community team to assist you.
SScion Group
1 year ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Après deux mois passés à rendre visite à des amis ici, pourquoi toutes les cages d'escalier sentent-elles l'urine ? Ne nettoient-ils pas les espaces publics du complexe ? De plus, les sols des couloirs n'ont pas l'air d'avoir été cirés depuis des années ?
From the pass two months of visiting friends here, Why do all of the stairwell smell of urine? Do they not clean the public areas of the complex? Also the floors in the hallways don't look like they have been waxed in years?
(Traduit par Google) Votre question nous intéresse. Veuillez contacter notre équipe communautaire pour vous aider.
Your question matters to us. Please reach out to our community team to assist you.
SScion Group
1 year ago
(Traduit par Google) Ils nettoient partout sauf dans ces vilaines cages d'escalier. Les sols sont vieux, tout simplement vieux et usés comme les murs et aucune quantité de cire ne peut alors être économisée.
They clean everywhere but those nasty stairwells. The floors are old just old and worn like the walls and no amount wax can save then
AAssane Ndiaye
2 years ago
Q:How much rent for 1 or 2 bed room
Your question matters to us. Please reach out to our community team to assist you.
1 year ago
Q:Hi I was wondering can the pool area be rented for parties?
Your question matters to us. Please reach out to our community team to assist you.
1 year ago
Q: From the pass two months of visiting friends here, Why do all of the stairwell smell of urine? Do they not clean the public areas of the complex? Also the floors in the hallways don't look like they have been waxed in years?
Your question matters to us. Please reach out to our community team to assist you.
1 year ago
They clean everywhere but those nasty stairwells. The floors are old just old and worn like the walls and no amount wax can save then